APA Foundation mobilizes civil society advocacy for SRHR and develops resources to support that work

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Civil Society Led Self-Care Initiatives in Asia and the Pacific: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Shifting the SRHR Narrative in Asia Pacific

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Legal Gender Recognition in Thailand: A Legal and Policy Review

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Thailand needs to integrate comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) to be able to reach one of the Global AIDS Strategy targets; 90% of people living with HIV and people at risk are linked to people-centred and context specific integrated services for other communicable diseases, noncommunicable diseases, sexual health and gender-based violence, mental health, drug and substance use, and other services they need for their overall health and well-being.

Midnight Poonkasetwattana

Executive Director, APCOM Foundation


Beyond healthcare, SRHR is an important instrument for human rights and gender equality. SRHR knowledge and services should be available inclusively for all genders, so trans and gender diverse people could have the access to make informed decisions about their bodies and sexuality. Promoting inclusive SRHR is a vital element to create an empowered society.

Joe Wong

Executive Director, Asia Pacific Transgender Network


The Planned Parenthood Association of Thailand (PPAT) has been working in Thailand for more than 50 years. PPAT first started off focusing on providing family planning services and information but now has expanded to cover all aspects of sexual and reproductive health services and information, including protecting sexual rights of all, regardless of their races or genders. We are glad to work in alignment with APA Foundation, to advance SRHR in Thailand. It is our aim to serve the underserved and meet the unmet needs.

Pattaya Buranaprapa

Project Manager, The Planned Parenthood Association of Thailand under the Patronage Her Royal Highness the Princess Mother


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